
Braven Wisehart

About Me

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Born and raised in Stillwater, Oklahoma, I grew interested in music at an early age. My dad had a profound influence on me, being a musician himself. Whether if was playing instruments himself or blasting Pantera before I could walk, my dad exposed me to the beauty of all that is music. I started taking music lessons as a pianist fairly early on. This set the foundation for years to come.

Later on, in highschool specifically, I began experimenting with DAWs (or Digital Audio Workstations.) Eventually I landed on FL Studio and began my path down all things that are electronic music production. It was around this time I started taking guitar more seriously, but don’t ask me to play for you. I’m still learning a lot.

In the past month or so, I’ve taken many measures in trying to work my way into the tech industry. I’m currently studying for my CompTIA A+ Certification and also taking up web development. The latter is more of a passion project of mine. I’ve always wanted to have my own personal website in the same way that people did in the past and how people formulate their social media profiles today.

More lately I’ve grown a strong interest in health and fitness. Over the course of 2023, I went from 180 to 280 pounds. That’s 100 pounds of fat gained. After finding out that I was medically obese, I decided I needed to do something about it. Since then, I’ve tried very diligently to stick to a diet and exercise plan that would help me consistently lose weight and, more importantly, be and stay healthy. I’ve very early on to this path and I’m not sure where it will take me, but I am confident that it will work out one way or another.

I’ve battled with mental illness as long as I can remember. I remember being as young as 12 experiencing symptoms of what I now know are depression and anxiety. I can say boldly that staying productive and active in my hobbies, interests, and social circles have given me a life that beats out mental illness most days now. Without a foundation in these distractions from my own negative thought patterns, I know that I can easily follow a downward spiral. I’ve done it many times before and the last few months have been a testament to my ideas here.